------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW --------------  
Published by EH.NET (August 2005)  
David Reisman, _Schumpeter's Market: Enterprise and Evolution_.   
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2004. vii + 294 pp. $120 (hardcover),   
ISBN: 1-84376-164-5.  
Reviewed for EH.NET by Frederic Sautet, Mercatus Center, George Mason   
Over the last two decades, Joseph Schumpeter's work has experienced a   
resurgence of interest. Not only are Schumpeterian models of economic   
growth now explored by many academics (e.g. the works of Richard   
Lipsey and Kenneth Carlaw), but also some economists are starting to   
realize that the multi-disciplinary approach to economics, as   
Schumpeter practiced it, may be more fruitful than it was once   
In the last decade or so, several biographies and intellectual   
histories of Schumpeter have been published (e.g. the works of   
Richard Swedberg and Yuichi Shionoya), along with many articles on   
his life and work. David Reisman's book, _Schumpeter's Market_, is a   
welcome addition to this growing field of research on Schumpeter's   
work and his influence in modern day economics.  
Reisman's book is an intellectual history of the work of Schumpeter   
with a special focus on "three irreducible constructs": market,   
enterprise and evolution. Reisman's impressive knowledge of   
Schumpeter's intellectual output enables him to trace the evolution   
of Schumpeter's life-long themes. It is not an easy task to present a   
picture of Schumpeter's vision, as there are many tensions and   
complexities in his intellectual history. While Reisman provides the   
reader with ample details about Schumpeter's work, the book misses an   
overall explanation of the tensions and complexities of his work.  
After a short introduction, Reisman presents, in chapter 2, what he   
calls Schumpeter's vision. This vision is two-fold. On the one hand,   
it is made of a substrate: the capitalist system based on free   
exchange and the existence of markets. On the other hand, it is made   
of culture, ideas, values, polity and what makes the civilization of   
capitalism. One cannot study one without the other, and the task at   
hand for the economist, as Schumpeter saw it, is to understand how   
the two interact. This is what makes Schumpeter's vision appealing:   
economics to be well practiced must reinvent itself and grow beyond   
its boundaries.  
Reisman explains that Schumpeter, while against socialism and the   
socialists, never claimed to have any solution to the practical   
problems of the world. Schumpeter was a historical determinist who,   
like Marx and Engels before him, thought that socialism was   
inevitable. As Schumpeter put it: "There is inherent in the   
capitalist system a tendency toward self-destruction" (p. 189). This,   
along with the theme of capitalism and innovation, was the most   
recurrent idea in Schumpeter's work. In Reisman's words: "Capitalism   
was under threat in 1950 as it had been under threat in 1918.   
Schumpeter throughout the whole of his academic career was predicting   
the end" (p. 208).  
Paradoxically perhaps, Marx and Schumpeter had much in common   
agreeing on historical analysis and on the direction the world would   
take in the decades to come. However, Schumpeter did not follow Marx   
on the economics, as it was clear in his mind that the capitalist   
system worked better than Marx thought. To Schumpeter, the market was   
not subject to the various problems enumerated by Marx (e.g. the   
falling rate of profit). But, the tension was there: while Schumpeter   
defended capitalism against Marx, he also explained that it contained   
the seeds of its own destruction.  
Chapter 3 presents the fundamental issues that Schumpeter discussed   
throughout his life. Schumpeter held that a pre-analytic vision was   
necessary for any science to take place. (This idea is crucial to the   
explanation of entrepreneurial activity as Kirzner has argued in his   
work: entrepreneurs do not grope at random, they act on some sort of   
a pre-scientific hunch.)  
Reisman explains that Schumpeter also had a love affair with Walras,   
whom he considered as the greatest theoretician of economics. However   
(and paradoxically), Schumpeter saw comparative statics � la Walras   
as a world away from actual situations in which change was without   
Finally, economic sociology and economic history are two other fields   
that Schumpeter avidly explored. He saw the first one as the study of   
institutions, structured relationships, conventions, etc and the   
second one as necessary to understand causation and mechanisms in the   
present world.  
Chapter 4 considers capitalism in Schumpeter's writings as well as   
the role of entrepreneurship (and innovation, which he saw as   
identical). The essence of capitalism is creative destruction and the   
entrepreneur is its source. Entrepreneurship is the essential engine   
which propels the world; it is what makes economic _evolution_   
possible. Schumpeter, explains Reisman, identifies the entrepreneur   
as the agent of change in the social system. However, the main   
function of entrepreneurship is to put into practice, not to create   
from nothing. The entrepreneur innovates, which consists in getting   
things done. This relates to a very important distinction in   
Schumpeter's work: invention may lead to innovation but the latter   
doesn't necessarily proceed from the former.  
In Chapter 5 Reisman presents Schumpeter's view of the role of the   
large corporation. While Schumpeter defends the dynamic of market   
capitalism, he also argues that capitalism is inexorably evolving   
towards corporate capitalism, which will ultimately lead to its   
demise. Big corporations will sooner or later be stifled by their   
bureaucratic structures, which will tend to suppress inner   
entrepreneurial activity. Schumpeter also believed that the large   
corporation is a powerful engine of technological advance. In other   
words, market structure (i.e. oligopoly or monopoly) does make a   
difference to innovation. Reisman is quick to point out that this   
hypothesis (i.e. monopoly leads to innovation) has not been proven.   
Scherer for instance conducted a number of studies to find a   
relationship between firm size and productive research and   
development but couldn't find any. However, Schumpeter also argued   
that innovation leads firms to be monopolists, at least for a while,   
and thus market structure is both a cause and a consequence of   
innovation. What Schumpeter, in his vision of the role of the big   
corporation, seems to overlook is the innovative role of the small   
firm. Reisman justly argues, in a very Hayekian fashion, that the   
small firm has local knowledge and is often at the origin of major   
innovative changes (e.g. Apple Computer and Xerox Corporation).  
The sociology of capitalism is the subject of chapter 6. First,   
Reisman shows Schumpeter's interest for social class analysis. While   
agreeing with Marx that class conflict deserves attention, Schumpeter   
also makes the point that the social mobility found in the capitalist   
system reduces the scope for class conflict. Clearly capitalist   
entrepreneurs need proletarians and vice versa.  
Second, Schumpeter, arguing against Marxism and Leninism, contends   
that capitalism is not the cause of aggression, militarism and   
conquest. Imperialism in Schumpeter's view is a survival from the   
pre-capitalist age of economic evolution. Aggression is not part of   
the system of exchange of market capitalism but a left-over from the   
tribal past.  
Finally, Reisman goes over the motives for entrepreneurial activity.   
Clearly, entrepreneurs, in Schumpeter's work, are motivated by   
pecuniary success. However, this is not the only motive, the   
entrepreneur also has the will to conquer, the impulse to fight and   
the desire to compete for the sake of it. Schumpeter's sociology of   
entrepreneurship, remarks Reisman, is in some ways similar to that of   
Veblen. Although the entrepreneur may want to succeed to afford   
conspicuous consumption, he may also have other final motives in   
mind, such as showing his intrinsic value as a superior man to   
others. Schumpeter sees the desire of a better future for one's own   
family as running deep in homo economicus, and this may be the most   
important entrepreneurial motive. A discussion of the role of profit   
(in relationship to entrepreneurship) in a disequilibrium situation   
is missing here -- especially as Schumpeter's cycle theory assumes   
entrepreneurship in a world without profit.  
Chapters 7, 8 and 9 discuss the issue of socialism at greater length.   
While Schumpeter goes out of his way to defend capitalism, he also   
argues in favor of historical determinism: socialism will inexorably   
win the final battle. Big business bureaucracy is here to stay and   
the evolution from corporation to state will take place. Corporate   
capitalism develops and will become the dominant mode of   
organization. The paradox that Schumpeter tries to unveil is that   
"capitalism fails because it succeeds" (p. 132). Entrepreneurs are   
ousted and the bourgeoisie is expropriated. Schumpeter does not think   
that there could be a "third way" between capitalism and socialism.   
Capitalism bears the seeds of its own destruction and thus the only   
way in the end will be socialism.  
There are problems with Schumpeter's view of course. For instance,   
Reisman mentions that even Galbraith thought that Schumpeter had   
failed to grasp the differences between business bureaucracies and   
state bureaucracies. Moreover, Schumpeter seemed to have been   
influenced by the work of Berle and Means on ownership and control in   
the corporation and dismisses completely the role private ownership   
plays in maintaining competition alive through the capture of   
profits. It is not true that big corporations are kept out of the   
gale of creative destruction. Reisman explains that the small-firm   
sector is always a potential danger for any firm in the market. But   
he fails to mention the crucial work of Henri Manne, which addressed   
the issues raised by Berle and Means on the one hand, and Schumpeter   
on the other regarding the future of the joint-stock corporation.  
Schumpeter would have retorted that it is not only the economic   
deficiencies of capitalism that will bring its own end; it is also   
because of the superiority of socialism. Socialism has a comparative   
advantage in the area of productive efficiency. Schumpeter seems to   
subscribe to the view that capitalism implies "anarchy of   
production," a problem that socialism through careful planning can   
take care of.  
As Reisman points out, Schumpeter does not seem to grasp the   
informational challenge to obtain productive efficiency. He ignored   
the arguments put forward by Mises and Hayek in the socialist   
calculation debate and focused exclusively on the ideas of Barone,   
Lange, and Lerner on market socialism. Schumpeter's socialism is   
based on the Ministry (i.e. the central planning board) deciding the   
quantity supplied. Reisman notes that Schumpeter never explains where   
this mysterious supply comes from. Moreover, Schumpeter seems to   
underestimate the latitude politicians and civil servants would have   
to impose their choices instead of some supply that would maximize   
social utility. There is no political economy of socialism in   
Schumpeter's view.  
Here, Reisman underemphasizes the importance of the socialist   
economic calculation debate in the 1930s. In Mises' view, no economic   
calculation by the central planning board is possible in the absence   
of individual property rights on the means of production. The problem   
of market socialism is not the result to be obtained (i.e. minimizing   
average cost and equalizing marginal cost to price) but the idea that   
the results could be obtained outside the market system. No economist   
interested in the debate would have ignored Mises's and Hayek's   
position. The fact that Schumpeter ignored it is very strange to say   
the least and deserves an explanation, which is missing in Reisman's   
At the end of the day, explains Schumpeter, socialism offers a "new   
cultural world." What eventually drives people to socialism is its   
appeal as a social system: people will stand for the equality   
socialism will provide, while they will turn down the values of   
capitalism. Capitalism is dependent on cultural continuity for its   
success, but this is also its main vulnerability.  
Chapters 10 and 11 dig more deeply into the mechanisms that transform   
capitalism and lead to a socialist commonwealth. Schumpeter thought   
that the weakening of the aristocracy in Europe would lead to a   
decline in the ethos of self-discipline and leadership. In destroying   
its own feudal roots, capitalism undermined itself. Moreover, it led   
to the rise of a new intellectual class living off the production of   
capitalists and entrepreneurs. This was the result of too much   
education and inevitably led to over-qualified people with low-paying   
jobs. Those who chose to become intellectuals became naturally   
hostile to capitalism.  
The decline of the family and family values reduced the time-horizon   
of businessmen and their will to fight the rise of the bureaucracy.   
More importantly perhaps, Schumpeter warns of the danger of increased   
taxation, public expenditure, and government regulation, as it   
creates unintended consequences that will call for more taxation and   
When one looks at the whole picture: the fall of the aristocracy, the   
rise of the intelligentsia, the emergence of the big corporation, and   
the lack of cultural appeal of capitalism for the masses; the future   
is very gloomy. Reisman correctly points out that Schumpeter failed   
to see the robustness of the capitalist system, and the extent to   
which opinion leaders and intellectuals are dependent on democracy   
for their own survival. Even at the height of the 1930s when half of   
Europe was turning away from democratic and liberal principles, the   
masses of Western Europe and North America were not inspired by the   
totalitarian Russian revolution. Reisman has a point, but he   
underestimates the threat lobby groups may represent for the future   
of the liberal democratic order. He should have discussed here the   
rent-seeking society argument developed by the Virginia public choice   
school and by Mancur Olson in his work on the logic of collective   
action. In some ways, Schumpeter could be considered as a forerunner   
of the public choice literature.  
Reisman also argues against Schumpeter (and Mises for that matter)   
that the middle of the road is possible, as the last fifty years have   
shown. Social democracy is an alternative to socialism: "Fettered   
capitalism functions adequately even if not reasonably well" (p.   
218). It remains to be seen whether the social problems (such as high   
unemployment, soon-to-be bankrupt public retirement schemes, etc)   
that plague many Western European countries are part of what Reisman   
calls a "well functioning economy." The answer is rather that both   
Schumpeter and Mises were right: there is no middle of the road   
policy in the long run. The difference between these two authors is   
that Mises (and Hayek as well as many other Austrian economists)   
never thought that _pure_ capitalism inexorably degenerated into   
The last two Chapters (12 and 13) focus essentially on the economics   
of Schumpeter and his theories of growth and cycles. Schumpeter stood   
firmly against the rising tide of Keynesianism. Investment will never   
be deficient because creative destruction will always be at work.   
Laissez-faire meant that entrepreneurial forces would always be   
unleashed for the betterment of the masses. Reisman provides this   
very interesting quote from Schumpeter written at the height of the   
Great Depression in Europe in 1931: "The capitalist system as such   
needs neither regulation nor planning, in a depression or outside of   
a depression, in order to function. ... It operates on its own, and   
with results unprecedented in economic history. The logical solution   
for a series of serious shortcomings would not be an increase but a   
reduction in State intervention" (p. 234).  
Schumpeter criticized Keynes' _General Theory_ for not being general   
at all but entirely specific (to a situation of crisis such as the   
Great Depression). However, by the time he published _Capitalism,   
Socialism and Democracy_ in 1942, Keynesian principles had already   
swept the department of economics at Harvard.  
Reisman notes that in the 1930s Schumpeter held the view that the way   
out of a crisis is through less government (as in the quote above).   
However, Schumpeter also promoted emergency spending as a possible   
solution to very serious crisis (and remember that he did not want to   
take policy positions). Schumpeter added a section to the second   
edition of _Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_ in 1946, in which he   
made that point. "Schumpeter late in life," Reisman explains,   
"appears to have developed a tendency towards Keynesianism" (p. 237).  
Schumpeter's cycle theory is well known. It starts in a situation of   
equilibrium. The basic idea is that some firm innovates, and this   
disrupts the equilibrium in place. Because of its success and the   
monopoly rents it derives, the firm's activities attract other firms,   
which all engage in the same activity. The important detail is that   
entrepreneurial activity is entirely financed by bank credit, which   
fosters the boom. At some stage, there is over-supply of output. This   
triggers a fall in prices in order to liquidate the stocks and this   
leads to the bust. In Schumpeter's view, it is the innovators   
demanding money who create the cycle and not the loose bank rules. In   
this sense, cycles are inherently part of capitalism.  
There are many problems with Schumpeter's cycle theory. As Reisman   
points out, Schumpeter blamed the entrepreneur rather than the   
banking system because he did not believe that bank credit could   
cause disruptions between the monetary and the real spheres. Some   
economists criticized him for holding this view because the cycle has   
to have a pure monetary component. Schumpeter does not explain why   
there is a clustering of entrepreneurial errors. Austrian economists   
such as Mises and Rothbard have based their theory of the business   
cycle on the clustering of entrepreneurial errors induced by bank   
credit. This clustering cannot be the result of general   
entrepreneurial activity, as it is inconsistent with the nature of   
entrepreneurship; it must be the result of false price signals that   
entrepreneurs follow. Reisman should have explored this avenue in   
greater detail, as it is the most powerful criticism of Schumpeter's   
cycle theory.  
Schumpeter's cycle theory is also a theory of innovation. It begins   
in a Walrasian general equilibrium with a zero interest rate (no time   
preference), no savings, and given consumer values and tastes. In   
such an environment, the only possible source of change is technology   
via entrepreneurship. Schumpeter has been hailed for his insights   
into economic development when his main contribution was simply to   
imagine a way out of the Walrasian box of his own making. In the   
absence of profits in equilibrium, it is difficult to understand how   
any entrepreneurship could take place. Moreover, in the absence of   
savings, capitalists cannot finance entrepreneurial activity and thus   
one has to resort to pure bank credit. What Schumpeter demonstrated   
as being inherent to capitalism was a feature of his own model. There   
again, Reisman neglects to explore this crucial problem of   
Schumpeter's theory.  
This book will be a reference to economists interested in the   
complexities of Schumpeter's work, especially in so far as markets,   
firms and evolution are concerned. Overall however, the organization   
of the chapters is somewhat confusing: there are repetitions of the   
same themes in different places for no obvious reason (e.g. the   
issues of aristocracy and intelligentsia are introduced and discussed   
in various chapters). A different arrangement of the chapters may   
have facilitated the reading of the book. This being said, it does   
reflect the complexity of the evolution of Schumpeter's thought.  
Moreover, one has to wait for the conclusion to obtain an overview of   
the tensions and contradictions of Schumpeter's work. A chapter   
summarizing Schumpeter's views and the complexity of his thought is   
missing. An explanation of the major tension of his career   
(identified in chapter 2) is needed somewhere towards the end (the   
idea of the inevitable coming of socialism while capitalism is the   
superior social system). Instead Reisman provides pieces throughout   
the book without recapitulating.  
Schumpeter had a vision of economics and social science that was more   
encompassing than most others in his days. Reisman -- who is   
Professor of Economics at the Nanyang Technological University,   
Singapore and Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of   
Surrey, UK -- does a good job at presenting the complexity of   
Schumpeter's thought, but he leaves the reader somewhat alone to   
figure out the reason why Schumpeter's vision never entirely   
Frederic Sautet is a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at   
George Mason University. His publications include _An Entrepreneurial   
Theory of the Firm_ published by Routledge in 2000. He is also the   
editor of the Mercatus Policy Series.  
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