Call for Papers
2006 Conference
June 7th - 9th 
Come join the Archives Association of Ontario at McMaster University in
Hamilton, Ontario at their 13th annual conference.   The 2006 theme is The
Philosophy of Archives.  Papers are invited for any and all topics relating
to the philosophy of archives.  This includes the nature of our work as
archivists, how we apply theory, the changing directions of the theories
which direct our work etc.  
Please submit a copy of your proposal, a brief biography, all relevant
contact information, including mailing address, telephone number and email.

If you would like to discuss your potential paper, feel free to write or
email me at:
Jane Boyko
Bank of Canada/Banque du Canada
234 Wellington
Ottawa ON  K1A 0G9
(613) 782-8673

Deadline for proposals is November 1, 2005.