Taking  Daniele's  revisiting  of  the  thread  as a prompt:  
whatever   SSCI's  response,  there  exist  various  as  yet  
underexplored  ways of increasing the visibility of research  
in our field:  
a) all field journals should be indexed on http://repec.org/  
(at the moment I think only JHET and EJHET are)  
b)  all  historians of economics should be present on RepEc,  
and,  with  a)  in  place,  would  be able to track abstract  
views,  downloads and increasingly also intra-repec citation  
statistics  of their publications (even if the paper is only  
accessible online through a subscription model)  
c) a scenario still somewhat down the line but don't dismiss  
it:  it is quite conceivable that at some stage, all history  
of  economics  articles  would  be  amenable  to intra-repec  
citation  analysis  so  here  we  would  have an alternative  
source for impact analysis etc, with access to raw data if I  
understnad  it  correctly; repec is an open platform so lets  
support it  
Matthias Klaes