On behalf of Glen Atkinson <mailto:[log in to unmask]>   
From: Glen Atkinson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]  Sent: Thu 10/6/2005 2:21 PM  
To: John Henry; [log in to unmask]  
Subject: Re: Fwd: HES: QUERY--Lectures by Commons  
Try Richard Gonce.  I don't think he has email.  He is at 661 Mendota  
Court, Apartment 1003, Madison, Wisconsin 53703.   His phone number is  
608-257-1854.  Richard is retired and spends time in the Commons  
collection at the University of Wisconsin Library.  
Glen Atkinson  
>> ----------------- HES POSTING -----------------  
>> Dear Colleagues  
>> I am trying to locate a full citation for John R. Commons' 'Lectures =  
>> Capitalism and Socialism' at the University of Wisconsin in 1923. =  
>> anyone know of these lectures and if Commons published them? I have =  
>> likely piece in the Atlantic Monthly in 1925, 'Marx Today: Capitalism  
>> and  
>> Socialism', but nothing more.  
>> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.  
>> K. Bruce  
>> ----------------- FOOTER TO HES POSTING -----------------  
>> [log in to unmask]  
>> http://eh.net/mailman/listinfo/hes  
> John F. Henry, Ph.D.  
> Department of Economics  
> University of Missouri  
> 5100 Rockhill Road  
> Kansas City, MO 64110-2499  
> Office: (816) 235-1309  
> Dept: (816) 235-1314  
> Fax: (816) 235-2834  