"Equilibrium Perspectives" - Call for Contributions  
The Stirling Centre for Economic Methodology (SCEME) and the  
Keele  Institute for Public Policy and Management (IPPM) are  
organising  an  international workshop focused on the notion  
of equilibrium in the social sciences, on Friday 18 November  
2005. See www.sceme.stir.ac.uk/events.htm for details.  
Contributions  may  take  the  form  of  presenting a paper,  
talking  about  work in progress, or acting as a discussant.  
Postgraduate  students  in particular are encouraged to join  
in.  The  event  is intended to remain small and informal so  
early expressions of interest are encouraged.  
We would also like to remind you of the second SCEME event  
this autumn (9 December 2005) , on the Methodology of  
Development Economics (again, see  
www.sceme.stir.ac.uk/events.htm ).  
Matthias Klaes