A recently published book deals with many of the issues mentioned in the 
query: Karl Widerquist, Michael Anthony Lewis and Steven Pressman 
(Eds.), *The Ethics and Economics of the Basic Income Guarantee*, 
Aldershot and Burlington, Ashgate, 2005. Part One of the book is about 
the history of guaranteed income proposals; it has four chapters which 
might be of interest: 
Ch. 2: Fred Block and Margaret Sommers, "In the shadow of Speenhamland: 
social policy and the old poor law" (13-54) 
Ch. 3: John Cunliffe and Guido Erreygers: "Inheritance and equal shares: 
early American views" (55-76) 
Ch. 4: Robert Harris: "The guranteed income movement of the 1960s and 
1970s" (77-94) 
Ch. 5: Robert A. Levine, Harold Watts, Robinson Hollister, Walter 
Williams, Alice O'Connor and Karl Widerquist: "A retrospective on the 
negative income tax experiments: looking back at the most innovative 
field studies in social policy" (95-106). 
A more general overview of the history of "basic income" and "basic 
capital" proposals can be found in John Cunliffe and Guido Erreygers 
(Eds.), *The Origins of Universal Grants. An Anthology of Historical 
Writings on Basic Capital and Basic Income*, Basingstoke and New York, 
Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 - sorry for this self-publicity. 
An interesting discussion on basic income was published by the *Boston 
Review*, Vol. 25(5), October/November 2000 
More information can also be found on the websites of BIEN, the Basic 
Income Earth Network (www.basicincome.org), and of USBIG, the U.S. Basic 
Income Guarantee Network (www.usbig.net). 
Guido Erreygers