Dear all,  
Please find enclosed the cfp for the 11th ECHE.  
Best regards,  
Philippe Fontaine  
�cole normale sup�rieure de Cachan  
Cachan, France  
19-21 October 2006  
Economics and Place  
It is common to refer to regional or national   
traditions in the history of economics. Whether   
one speaks of the Austrian school, the Chicago   
school, the fight between the two Cambridges, or   
Swedish economics, there is an implied suggestion   
that specific locations play a significant role   
in the making of economic discourse. While its   
effects and manifestations are widely   
acknowledged and often taken for granted, the   
process itself is rarely investigated.  
The purpose of this conference will be to explore   
the geographies of economics throughout time.   
Potential areas that might be examined include,   
but are by no means limited to, the following:  
- How have local, regional and national spaces   
shaped the theoretical work of economics?  
- How does economic science acquire universality?   
And how does globalization of knowledge influence   
the making of economics at the local, regional   
and national levels?  
- What difference does it make for economic   
science to be produced in different spatial   
settings such as, for example, a laboratory,   
university office, salon, research center,   
classroom, library or at home?  
- How important are the various spaces in the   
reception (acceptance or rejection) of ideas and   
more generally in the diffusion of knowledge?  
- How is scientific endeavor influenced by geographical displacement?  
Proposals should contain roughly 1000 words,   
indicating the originality of the paper and   
stating how it contributes to the conference   
theme. Proposals from doctoral students are   
welcome. The deadline for the submission of paper   
proposals is December 31, 2005. Proposals will be   
evaluated by mid-January, and completed papers   
will be due by June 30, 2006. At this stage,   
another evaluation will take place on the basis   
of full papers. Final notification will be given   
by the end of July, and the conference itself   
will take place on 19-21 October 2006.  
The organizing committee consists of Jos� Lu�s   
Cardoso (Technical University of Lisbon),   
Philippe Fontaine (�cole normale sup�rieure de   
Cachan) and Robert Leonard (Universit� du Qu�bec   
� Montr�al). All proposals and requests for   
information should be sent by e-mail to:   
[log in to unmask]  
For updated information on the conference please   
visit the ECHE website at:  
Philippe Fontaine  
* D�partement d'�conomie et de gestion  
�cole normale sup�rieure  
61, avenue du Pt Wilson  
94235 Cachan Cedex  
Tel.:   (+33) 1 47 40 24 50  
Fax:   (+33) 1 47 40 24 60  
E-mail: [log in to unmask]  
** Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science  
London School of Economics and Political Science  
Houghton Street  
London WC2A 2AE  
Royaume Uni  
Tel.:  (+44) 20 7955 6004  
Fax:  (+44) 20 7955 6869  
[log in to unmask]            
Philippe Fontaine  
* D�partement d'�conomie et de gestion  
�cole normale sup�rieure  
61, avenue du Pt Wilson  
94235 Cachan Cedex  
Tel.:   (+33) 1 47 40 24 50  
Fax:   (+33) 1 47 40 24 60  
E-mail: [log in to unmask]  
** Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science  
London School of Economics and Political Science  
Houghton Street  
London WC2A 2AE  
Royaume Uni  
Tel.:  (+44) 20 7955 6004  
Fax:  (+44) 20 7955 6869  
[log in to unmask]            