------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW --------------  
Published by EH.NET (December 2005)  
John H. Wood, _A History of Central Banking in Great Britain and the   
United States_. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. xv + 424   
pp. $90 (cloth), ISBN: 0-521-85013-4.  
Reviewed for EH.NET by Angela Redish, Department of Economics,   
University of British Columbia.  
In 1694 a group of merchants agreed to lend the English government   
�1.2 million in exchange for a charter to create a note-issuing bank,   
the Bank of England. Two hundred and twenty years later, in response   
to private sector rather than public sector concerns (notably the   
panic of 1907), the United States created the Federal Reserve Bank.   
Focusing on the UK and the United States, this book studies the   
transition from a seventeenth-century world free of central bankers,   
through the financial excitements of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and   
twentieth centuries to the sedate world of central banking in the   
late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The focus is on the   
interplay between bankers and politicians and on the evolution of an   
in-between species, the 'central bankers.'  
As the author, John Wood (Department of Economics, Wake Forest   
University), notes it is a propitious time to write such a book.   
Central banks are operating in a period of calm, and are widely seen   
as so successful that they are boring. In both the U.S. and the UK,   
the twentieth century posed extreme challenges for central banking:   
financing two world wars, facing the shocks of the Great Depression,   
and then learning how to operate in a fiat money world after the end   
of the Bretton Woods period. Since the early 1990s, there has been   
widespread agreement on the appropriate targets of monetary policy --   
price stability and financial stability -- and, perhaps with the   
exception of how to respond to "irrational exuberance" in asset   
markets, central banking has become a technocratic business of   
forecasting future demand so as to set interest rates at an   
appropriate level to engender price stability.  
How independent should a central bank be in a democratic country? The   
book takes us through the ups and downs of independence. Today many   
central banks, including the Bank of England and the Fed, have   
operational independence but are subject at some horizon to state   
control, but the degree of independence has fluctuated. At its   
origins the Bank of England was private, and the fiscal needs of the   
government gave the Bank considerable power, but by 1833, after years   
of stable public finances, the government could "afford the luxury of   
an independent central bank" (p.72). (Interestingly, Wood's evidence   
of independence is the introduction of a requirement for the   
publication of the Bank's accounts which would make explicit any   
changing indebtedness of the government.). In the 1920s, the Bank of   
England was dominant in the decision that Britain would resume   
convertibility of the pound at the old par, despite the deflation   
that this would require, but after World War II, it was the   
politicians and Treasury officials that determined interest rates as   
well as exchange rate policy. In the second half of the twentieth   
century the Bank considered itself as merely the "central banking arm   
of a centralized macroeconomic executive" (p. 386), but then, after   
decades of erratic monetary policy, the Bank was given its   
independence in 1998.  
The independence of the Federal Reserve System is even more tortuous   
to describe because of its diffuse structure, itself a reflection of   
the desire to create a bankers' bank _and_ a government bank. The Fed   
is composed of twelve regional banks plus the Board of Governors   
located in Washington, and tensions between bankers and the   
government were frequently played out between the Board and the   
regional (especially New York) Feds. Again the degree of independence   
fluctuated: the disagreements between the Board and the New York Fed   
in the late 1920s are well known; in 1935, the system was reorganized   
giving more power to the Board, and after World War II the Fed was   
essentially subservient to Treasury desires for low interest rates.   
The Fed's reassertion of its independence in early 1951 -- a showdown   
between President Truman and Chairman Eccles -- is a story that   
should be required reading for all students of monetary policy (pp.   
226-38). Yet triumph was temporary, and in the 1960s and 70s monetary   
policy became an issue in election campaigns. Most recently, at   
Senate confirmation hearings in November, President Bush's nominee   
for Chairman of the Board of Governors, Ben Bernanke, stated that: "I   
will be strictly independent of all political influences and will be   
guided solely by the Federal Reserve's mandate from Congress and by   
the public interest."  
The history of central banking is told against a backdrop of the   
development of monetary theory and the evolving understanding of how   
monetary systems and banks operate. The discussion of the real bills   
doctrine, of 'operation twist,' of the use of moral suasion and   
credit controls, of monetarism, and of price and wage controls takes   
the reader through the, usually painful, learning that central   
bankers have undergone. The author uses extensive quotations from   
memoirs and minutes so that the reader can see the decision-making   
process in the raw.  
Now to cavils: There is an inherent organizational tension in telling   
two stories chronologically in parallel. The author chooses to begin   
with three chapters on the history of the Bank of England to 1914,   
then three chapters on the origins of the Federal Reserve and its   
history to the 1960s, then a chapter taking the Bank of England from   
1914 to 1980, followed by three chapters that combine analysis of   
contemporary monetary theory and the history of monetary policy in   
both countries over the last 25 years. I'm not sure there is a better   
way, but I found some of the transitions awkward. I suspect earlier   
readers also did, as there are a large number of signposts for the   
reader, which help, but still further prevent a seamless flow.  
Finally a minor gripe: There are very useful summaries of events and   
_dramatis personae_ at the beginning of each chapter, but some   
curious choices are made. Beginning in 1951 the President of the   
Council of Economic Advisors is listed, but nowhere are the New York   
Fed Presidents listed; Governors of the Bank of England are not   
listed until 1914; G. William Miller, Fed Chairman in 1978-79 is not   
on any list. The lists would have been more useful as a reference if   
they had been presented as comprehensive appendices to the whole book.  
No individual event retraced here is new, but by bringing the pieces   
together and focusing on the evolution of central bankers this book   
enables the reader to see the forest rather than the trees, and   
appreciate one of the successes of economics. This book will be a   
useful resource for both economic historians and monetary economists   
looking for a broad overview of the evolution of Anglo-American   
central banking and monetary theory.  
Angela Redish's publications include _Bimetallism: An Economic and   
Social History_ (2000) and (with Michael Bordo) "Is Deflation   
Depressing? Evidence from the Classical Gold Standard" in Burdekin   
and Siklos, editors, _Deflation: Current and Historical Perspectives_   
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copied for non-profit educational uses if proper credit is given to   
the author and the list. For other permission, please contact the   
EH.Net Administrator ([log in to unmask]; Telephone: 513-529-2229).   
Published by EH.Net (December 2005). All EH.Net reviews are archived   
at http://www.eh.net/BookReview.  
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