IX Summer School on Economics and Philosophy (2006)  
A summer school organized by the University of the Basque Country and  
the Urrutia Elejalde Foundation.  
San Sebasti=E1n, July 10th-14th (2006)  
Director: Jes=FAs Zamora Bonilla (UNED)  
Coordinators: Alfonso Dubois (UPV/EHU) & David Teira (UNED)  
1. Aims and scope: The goal of this Summer School is to present and  
discuss recent issues and approaches currently under discussion in the  
vast field of the philosophy of all social sciences -though, according  
to the tradition of this event, special attention will be paid to economi=  
2. Preliminary list of speakers: J. Francisco Alvarez (UNED, Madrid),  
Patrick Baert (Cambridge) Christina Bicchieri (UPenn), Alain Bouvier  
(Univ. de Provence, Marseille - Institute Jean Nicod, Paris), Nancy  
Cartwright (London), Jeroen van Bouwel (Gent), Francesco Guala (Exeter),  
Ian Jarvie (York Univ., Toronto) Julian Reiss (Univ. Complutense de  
Madrid+LSE), Ignacio S=E1nchez-Cuenca (Univ. Complutense de Madrid + F.  
Juan March), David Teira (UNED, Madrid), Petri Ylikoski (Helsinki  
Collegium for Advanced Studies)  
3. Call for papers: A limited number of contributed papers will be  
accepted for presentation and discussion. The Summer School will cover  
the accommodation and registration costs of the authors of accepted  
presentations. Please, submit a two-pages abstract before April, 16th  
2006 to: Jes=FAs Zamora (jpzb {at} fsof.uned.es)  
David Teira