Not sure if the following bibliography will be of use to you. Apart from  
a couple of historical works, it's largely a list of polemical works -  
by Marxists, (U.S.) Progressives, Conservatives, and  
Libertarians/Classical Liberals, about the Middle Class and its fate.   
By Dr. Chris R. Tame  
Adelman, Paul, Victorian Radicalism: The Middle Class Experience 1830  
1914, Longmans, London, 1984  
Bingham, Alfred M[itchell]., Insurgent America: The Revolt of the Middle  
Classes, W. W. Norton, New York, 1935; 2nd edn, 1938. A Progressive  
Brown, Alec, The Fate of the Middle Classes, Victor Gollancz, London,  
1936. Possibly Marxist.  
Cooper, Walter Gerald, Fate of the Middle Class, Consolidated Retail  
Booksellers, New York, 1905    
Corbin, John, The Return of the Middle Class, Charles Scribner's Sons,  
New York, 1923. An American Progressive view.  
Cultler, Richard Lloyd, The Liberal Middle Class: Maker of Radicals,  
Arlington House, New Rochelle, New York, 1973. A Conservative polemic.  
Glassman, Ronald M., et al, For Democracy: The Noble Character and  
Tragic Flaws of the Middle Class, Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 1993  
Hutber, Patrick, The Decline and Fall of the Middle Class - And How It  
Can Fight Back, Associated Business Programmes, London, 1976. A  
Conservative polemic.  
Morraze, Chrales, The Triumph of the Middle Classes: A Story of European  
Values in the 19th Century (1957 in French), Weidenfeld & Nicolson,  
London, 1966  
Quirk, William J. & Bridwell, R. Randall, Abandoned: The Betrayal of the  
American Middle Class Since World War II, Madison Books, University  
Press of America, Lanham, Maryland, 1992. A Conservative view.  
Smail, John, The Origins of Middle Class Culture, ..., 1994  
Caldwell, Taylor (nd), "Middle Class Must Not Fail Or All Is Lost", at: *  
A Conservative view, by the successful novelist.  
Wahrman, Dror, Imagining the Middle Class: The Political Representation  
of Class in Britain, c. 1780 1840, Cambridge University Press, 19??