****************************** Another reminder - the deadline for  
submissions is rapidly approaching.  
The next International Network for Economic Method (INEM) Conference will be  
held at Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, USA, 22-23 June 2006  
INEM seeks to promote links among economic methodologists, philosophers of economics, and
economists, and aims to serve all those reflecting upon the methods of economics and
related disciplines. As the recent conferences have
been in Europe, it has been decided to hold the next one in North America. It will take
place over two days (Thursday-Friday), immediately before the History of Economics Society
annual conference. Arrangements will be made so that it is easy to attend either
conference separately or to attend both.
Information on Grinnell is available on the HES Conference web site.  
A future issue of the Journal of Economic Methodology will be devoted to  
papers from the conference.  
Please send an abstract of up 200 words by 15 February 2006 to:  
Roger E. Backhouse  
Chair, INEM  
University of Birmingham  
R.E.Backhouse at bham.ac.uk  
For further information on INEM, including information on membership (which  
includes a subscription to JEM), go to www.econmethodology.org .