[This is a list for History of Economics, broadly defined. We can stray a bit, but, as
moderator, I ask everyone to stay within the scope of the History of Economics. HB]
Sumitra Shah wrote:  
Albert Himoe wrote:  
> "East Asians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans have on the   
> average higher IQs than whites." By the way, the three   
> ethnicities  listed above are all East Asians. I suppose that   
> was for emphasis.   
You are right, the three nationalities were meant to define "East  
Asians", or the Orientals of my youth. Perhaps I should have stuck to  
the term Mongoloids, as one of the big 3 racial groupings; Caucasoids,  
Negroids, and Mongoloids.  
> And I wonder how women fare in Rushton's  research. I am sure   
> I don't want to know.  
He has determined [with Ankney] that women have smaller brains in  
relation to body size than men.   
Albert Himoe