> I   
> cannot imagine one claiming that Austrians,  
> Schumpeter in particular, were   
> interventionist. Could you document your claim,  
> please?  
It was not my claim, but it is easy to support it.  
Schumpeter (1942) argued that socialism could work and  
that capitalism would be undone by its own ctitical  
rationalism. Hayek (1945, 1960) accepted antitrust  
laws and government correction of externalities, among  
other types of intervention. Weiser was a socialist.  
Mises accepted the draft during wartime. Of course,  
Mises and Hayek accepted less intervention than did  
most mid 20th century economists, but to suggest that  
they were not interventionist at all is wrong. Hayek  
came to a more hardline anti-interventionist position  
in the 70s and 80s, but in the middle part of his  
career he accepted quite a bit of intervention.  
Rothbardians never stop yacking about this.   
Doug MacKenzie