Hello all,

I have extended the deadline for submitting proposals for
the Mark Twain session at next Fall's SAMLA conference in Charlotte to
March 10.  I would like to add at least one other presenter to the panel
and hope that some of you would like to present a paper.  Here is the

Session title:  Hope, Despair, and the Later Mark Twain

Program Chair:  Jason Horn

Secretary: Charles Martin

Proposals invited on Twain's later works, those published during his
final 15-20 years.

Possible topics:  Twain as skeptic or believer, determinist or proponent
of free will, spiritual seeker or strict materialist, pessimist or
optimist, or even nihilist, cynical or depressed or spirited and
high-flying, or some combination of one or the other.  

You may email proposals to me, Jason Horn, at [log in to unmask]
