New Economic Papers (NEP) is part of RePEc (Research Papers in   
Economics), the online repository of economics working papers. NEP   
provides subscribers notice of new working papers in their area, and is   
an extremely useful resource for keeping track of the latest   
developments in ones field. Unfortunately, the subscriber list for   
History of Economics is inactive, since there is no editor.  I inquired   
about the procedure for appointing an editor, and the general editor,   
Dr. Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, sent me the following message. If interested   
please contact Dr. Batiz-Lazo directly at [log in to unmask]  
* Volunteering for NEP editor *  
New Economic Papers (NEP) is one of the largest dissemination services   
of recent additions to the  broad literatures of management and   
economics. As of 1 April 2006, there were 40,905 subscriptions from   
17,329 unique addresses distributed throughout the world. The reports   
are generated by subject-specific editors. ALL OF THEM VOLUNTEERS. At   
present, we are looking for people to collaborate on:  
# nep-css Critical Studies  
# nep-fdg Financial Development & Growth  
# nep-cdm Collective Decision Making  
# nep-hpe History & Philosophy of Economics  
# nep-cba Central Banking  
The task involves some 15 to 30 min per week using dedicated software to   
create weekly reports on the subject areas above. If you or anyone you   
know might be interested, please forward a curriculum vitae (with   
publications) to  
[log in to unmask]  
Thi opportunity is not limited to established academics. We will be   
happy to hear from enthusiastic doctoral students or practitioners,   
particulaly women in third world countries.  
If you want to learn more about NEP visit  
If you want to learn about other opportunities  
Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, PhD  
Managing Director, NEP   
E. Anthon Eff