That's an interesting result and some of the entries point up a major frustration for bibliographers, which may be shared by some scholars. A number of those entries are reprints of pieces under new names, and others are excerpts from his books. It's sometimes fun and instructive (but more often tedious and pointless) to trace a Twain piece (sketch, quote, speech, interview, review, whatever) from its first newspaper appearance, to its first magazine appearance, and finally to its first book appearance, although they seldom go through every one of these stages, or follow this sequence. And it's also sometimes worthwhile to trace a particular piece of writing as it spread around the country or the world under various titles and with nonauthorial deletions (and even additions) that reflect the culture and the times. Now if you want a real challenge, begin with BAL and Greg Camfield's "Oxford bibliography" and trace each entry... Kevin Mac Donnell Austin TX