Dear all,  
Please find enclosed the programme for the next   
Cachan-Amsterdam History of Economics as History   
of Science Workshop.  
Spring Workshop, Friday 16 June 2006  
�cole normale sup�rieure de Cachan  
Harro Maas (University of Amsterdam & MPIHS, Berlin)  
The Inner Eye of Victorian Economists:  
John Elliot Cairnes on the Slave Trade  
Paola Tubaro (EconomiX, CNRS)  
Jules Dupuit's Contribution to Mathematical Economics  
Sybilla Nikolow (Universit�t Bielefeld)  
"Society and Economy":  
An Atlas in Otto Neurath's Pictorial Statistics from 1930  
Robert Leonard (University of Quebec at Montreal)  
>From Chess to Catastrophe:  
Psychology, Politics and the Genesis of von Neumann's Game Theory  
Philip Mirowski (University of Notre Dame)  
The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective  
Best wishes,  
Philippe Fontaine