Yuri Tulupenko said:  
>H-Albion has just published a review of Fergus Campbell,  
>_Land and Revolution: Nationalist Politics in the West of Ireland,  
>1891-1921_, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.  
>I believe it somewhat bears upon the ongoing discussion.  
Indeed it does bear on the previous discussion, thank you.  California solved a small part
of its parallel problem by enabling and promoting "Irrigation Districts", mostly on the
east side of the San Joaquin Valley, from about 1887-1930. These legal organizations tax
land only, to finance major water supply projects. A good brief account is the chapter by
Albert Henley in Becker, Arthur, ca. 1968, *Land and Building Taxation*, Madison: U of
Wis. Press.
Since then, "graziers" and other giant landowners managed to stifle the spread of I.D.'s,
so much of California today still resembles the west of Ireland in 1891.
Mason Gaffney