Kevin Quinn wrote:  
> ----------------- HES POSTING -----------------  
> Mathew Forstater wrote  
> > One economist's "fallacy" is another's "law."  Say, I don't get "the  
> > quick fix to inflation of printing money," I can't think of anyone  
> > who supports that view?  Or am I missing something?  
> >  
> The only thing I can think of here is the fallcious inference from "the  
> real  
> money supply typically falls during hyperinflations" to "excessive money  
> creattion cannot have cause the inflation."  
Finally! A real fallacy. The mails before this were about very interesting  
things, but not connected with the topic, they were taken as an offence by  
economists who are workers after all.  
This is my first intervention so let me introduce myself. Besides my already  
given name, I'm from Argentina, enjoying your discussions. I consider myself as an
historian (because of my education), but a curious man in the first place. I'm doing
research about economic thought in my country, especiallly the figure of Raul Prebisch.
see you, people  
Guillo Nakhle