Commerce & Politics of Science  
September 21-24, 2006. University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN  
Recent years have seen increasing debate about the merits of private   
funding for scientific research, the growing prominence of "technology   
transfer," patenting, and corporate sponsorship within universities, and   
concern about partisan manipulation of science by government officials.   
Seeking to reinvigorate and inform public discussion of these issues, Notre   
Dame's Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values has cooperated   
with the University of Bielefeld to convene an interdisciplinary conference   
comprised of leading scholars, university administrators, and public   
officials from the United States and Europe.  
Keynote speakers:  
         Robert Berdahl (former chancellor of the University of California,   
         Sheldon Krimsky (Tufts University)  
         Philip Mirowski (University of Notre Dame)  
The conference will also include four major plenary sessions and numerous   
contributed papers. A detailed description is available at:   
Reflecting our desire to spark a continuing, interdisciplinary   
conversation, the Reilly Center has made a special effort to include   
younger scholars in the conference. To that end, a subsidized student   
registration rate is available ($50 prior to August 15) and Notre Dame   
graduate students have offered to share their apartments and homes with   
attendees from other institutions. Those who wish to participate in this   
housing program are asked to contact the Reilly Center [log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]  
Tom Stapleford