Yes, it seems a very interesting conference...  Where does it take place?  East of the US?
[Go up one level from link provided and you will find more information on the exact
location of the Summer Institute at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, near
Washington, DC.  See
I am (inter alia) teaching history of economic thought here in Brussels (Free University,
ULB), and another course more linked with ethics (I study the history of "liberalisme", in
the French sense of the word...  from Smith to Friedman and Hayek, with a discussion on
Rawls).  I do more history of economic thought as teacher than as researcher (I am an
economist of education, and now I enlarge my fields of interest through economic and
econometric history...  you know the rules of the game in the profession - not always
friendly to HET... at least in Europe...  the linguistic barrier (you should publish in
English) also reduces the place of more "literary" subejcts and favours more formalised
Jean Luc de Meulemeester