My memory is different from Barkley's. Though I was at JMU on Wed and   
Thursday,  I do not remember having said anything about the origin of the   
term "spontaneous order" while I was there. Jack Bladel has researched the   
topic pretty thoroughly, so I would defer to him.  
Reading Anthony Waterman's post  was the first time I had heard of the   
claim that it was from Mill. Perhaps he got it from Linda Raeder, if so,   
did she provide evidence (I have not seen her 2002 book)?  Hayek was a   
Mill scholar, of course, but whether he picked it up from reading Mill is   
difficult to know, as to my knowledge Hayek himself never said this. But   
as Bladel said, it certainly is possible that he did.   
In the end, though, I wonder, how much does it really matter?   
Bruce Caldwell