Dear all,  
Please find below the programme for the 11th   
annual European conference on the history of   
economics (ECHE 2006) to be held on 20-21 October   
2006. For more details see:  
Sincerely yours,  
Philippe Fontaine  
Friday, 20 October  
10:00 am  
Opening Lecture: Place in the History of Knowledge  
Simon Naylor (University of Bristol)  
11:00 am:       Coffee/tea break  
11:30 am  
The Writing Workshop of Fran�ois Quesnay and the Making of Physiocracy  
Lo�c Charles (Universit� de Paris 2) and Christine Th�r� (INED)  
Discussant: Margaret Schabas, University of   
British Columbia and London School of Economics  
12:30 pm:       Lunch  
2:30 pm  
The Institutionalisation of Political Economy in Portugal, 1803-1948  
Ant�nio Almod�var and Maria de F�tima Brand�o (CEMPRE/Universidade do Porto)  
Discussant: Jos� Lu�s Cardoso (Universidade Technical de Lisboa)  
3:30 pm  
Nationality, Place and Identity: Locating the   
English (Irish?) Historical School  
Roger Backhouse (University of Birmingham)  
Discussant: TBA  
4:30 pm:        Coffee, tea, etc.  
Saturday, 21 October  
10:00 am  
Cambridge as a Place in Economic Science  
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Nerio Naldi, Annalisa   
Rosselli and Eleonora Sanfilippo (Universit� di   
Roma 'La Sapienza')  
o Discussant: Guido Erreygers (University of Antwerp)  
11:00 am:       Coffee/tea break  
11:30 am  
The Importance of Being Cambridge: The Keynesian   
Myths and the Post Keynesians, 1960-1980  
Mata, Tiago (University College of London)  
Discussant: Roger Backhouse (University of Birmingham)  
12:30 pm:       Lunch  
2:30 pm  
The Rise and Preservation of the Virginia School of Political Economy  
Sandra J. Peart (Baldwin-Wallace College), David   
Levy (George Mason University), and Robin Hanson   
(George Mason University)  
Discussant: Steve Medema (University of Colorado at Denver)  
3:30 pm  
Closing Lecture: Science, Site and Speech: Darwinism and the Spaces of Rhetoric  
David N. Livingstone (Queen's University Belfast)