The Society for the Development of Austrian Economics is pleased to   
announce that submissions for the Don Lavoie Memorial Graduate Student   
Essay Competition are now being accepted. Submissions will be accepted   
from students enrolled in a graduate program in economics or other   
relevant disciplines anywhere in the world. Three prizes are given, each   
worth $1000, to be used to pay expenses to attend the Southern Economic   
Association meetings this November in Charleston, where the winners will   
present their work on a special panel. Prize awards are contingent on   
attending the SEA meetings and the SDAE's annual business meeting and   
awards banquet.  
The prize committee consists of:  
Peter Boettke, George Mason University  
Emily Chamlee-Wright, Beloit College  
Steven Horwitz, St. Lawrence University  
David Prychitko, Northern Michigan University  
Deadline for submissions is October 10, 2006. Decisions will be made by   
October 15.  
All questions and submissions should be sent, either electronically or   
by mail, to:  
Peter Boettke  
Department of Economics  
George Mason University, MSN 3G4  
Fairfax, VA 22030  
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Steven Horwitz