Posted on behalf of Rob Garnett.  
Steve Horwitz   
Dear Colleague,  
I recently sent you a message announcing ICAPE's second international   
conference ("Economic Pluralism for the 21st Century") next June 1-3 at   
the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.  
Unfortunately my description made the conference sound very specialized   
and narrow -- as if we were seeking only papers on the topic of   
pluralism per se.  
Quite the contrary, this is a "big tent" conference at which all topics   
and schools of thought are welcome. Our goal is to create a uniquely   
diverse and inclusive conference, open to all who share ICAPE's   
commitment to the promotion of pluralism in economic scholarship and   
education. To make this happen, however, we need to include your work   
and the work of other scholars from the theoretical traditions and   
professional associations in which your work is rooted.  
So, what are you working on now that you find most exciting? What topic   
would you like to write about and present to a lively and broad-minded   
The previous ICAPE conference in 2003 featured a broad range of panels   
Knowledge and Welfare: Hayek, Sen, and Schumacher  
New Connections among Heterodox Traditions  
Towards a More Policy-Relevant Economics  
Diverse Capitalisms  
Open-System Methodologies  
Academic vs. Popular Economics  
Marx's Open System of Value  
Post Keynesian Institutionalism  
Social Dimensions of Consumer Behavior  
Rethinking (Post-)Capitalism  
New Visions and Strategies for the Heterodox Economics Movement  
Teaching Heterodox Economics  
Virtues and Limits of Social Sustainability  
International Political Economy: Theory and Policy  
Economics as a Holistic and Reflexive Social Science  
With your help, we will have an even broader and richer set of   
conversations in Salt Lake City.  
If you would like to participate, please send a brief abstract (200-250   
words) to Rob Garnett ([log in to unmask] ).  
Or, to learn more about the conference, including our three scheduled   
plenary sessions please visit  
We look forward to hearing from you!  
The Organizers (Al Campbell, Wilfred Dolfsma, Edward Fullbrook, Rob   
Garnett, Neva Goodwin, John Henry, Mary King, Fred Lee, Ed McNertney,   
Judith Mehta, Erik Olsen, and Martha Starr)