The Mark Twain Forum needs reviewers for the following books:

_Printer's Devil: Mark Twain and the American Publishing Revolution_. By
Bruce Michelson. University of California Press, 2006, hardcover, xiii +
299 pages. $34.95. ISBN 978-0-520-24759-8.

The publisher's web page for this book is:


_Fetching the Old Southwest: Humorous Writing from Longstreet to Twain_. By
James H. Justus. University of Missouri Press, 2004, hardcover, xiii + 591
pages. $54.95. ISBN 0-8262-1544-0.

The publisher's web page for this book is:

Reviews are due within two months of your receipt of a book--around the
first of December. The deadline is particularly important. If you are
inclined to procrastinate, or will have difficulty meeting the deadline,
please do not offer to write a review.

If you're interested in receiving either of these books for review, please
contact me via email.

Barbara Schmidt
Book Review Editor, Mark Twain Forum
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