One must distinguish between institutionalized religion, and   
religious experience apart from institutionalization; the latter being   
the spiritual and moral aspect of human experience.  If one takes   
the latter conceptualization, and then defines economics as the   
application of scare resources to unlimited and  competing wants;   
that  is, as the construction of a means ends system in which the   
ends are preferences called VALUES, individual or communal (We   
did at one time refer to "value theory".), then all economics is either   
religious or it is prosaic description motivated by some exogenous   
value system.  [Normative or positive.]  
Economics  and  the Economics Profession  is an    
institutionalization of religion.  If you think there is more than one   
kind of Economics, then you think in terms  of different religions.  
The question becomes whose values or what values.  
I try.  
Robin Neill