Frank W. Fetter wrote a series of articles on the authorship of unsigned  
economics articles in British periodicals:  
F. W. Fetter, "The Economic Articles in the Quarterly Review and their  
Authors, 1809-52," Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 66 (1958), pp.  
47-64, 154-70.  
F. W. Fetter, "Economic Articles in Blackwood's," Scottish Journal of  
Political Economy, Vol. 7 (June and November 1960), pp. 85-107, 213-31.  
F. W. Fetter, "The Economic Articles in the Westminster Review and  
their Authors, 1824-51," Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 70 (1962),  
pp. 570-96.  
F. W. Fetter, "The Authorship of Economic Articles in the Edinburgh  
Review, 1802-47," Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 71 (1963), pp.  
While he only covered the Edinburgh Review up to 1847,  he discusses  
the sources for identifying authors of unsigned articles in 19th century  
British periodicals.  
Robert Dimand