In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful    
  My most respectful greetings to you, HES   
  I am a PHD student of Economics in Allameh Tabatabaii University in Iran, Tehran .I am
interested to religious economics and comparative study on Jewish, Christianity and Muslim
Economic Thought.
  Unfortunately I couldn't find these writings:  
  Wright, Christopher J.H., �The Use of the Bible in Social Ethics�, in his Walking in
the Ways of the Lord: The Ethical Authority of the Old Testament (Leicester: Apollos,
1995), pp13-45.
  Wright, Christopher J.H., �The Theology and Ethics of the Land�, in his Walking in
the Ways of the Lord: The Ethical Authority of the Old Testament (Leicester: Apollos,
1995), 181-196.
  Jerry Evensky "The Two Voices of Adam Smith: Moral Philosopher and Social
Critic,"History of Political Economy, Fall 1987, /9:3,447-68.
  --------------------"The Evolution of Adam Smith's Views on Political Economy," History
of Political Economy, Spring 1989, 21.\, 123-45,
  --------------------"Ethics and the Classical Liberal Tradition in Economics," History
of Political Economy, Spring 1992a, 24:1, 62-77.
  ---------------------"The Role of Community Values in Modern Classical Liberal Economic
Thought," Scottish Journal of Political Economy, February 1992b, i 9: l, 21-38.
  ---------------------"Adam Smith on the Human Foundation of a Successful Liberal
Society."History of Political Economy, forthcoming.
  Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments: On Morals and Why They Matter to a Liberal
Society of Free People and Free Markets Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2005, vol. 19,
issue 3, pages 109-130
   In the around libraries. I would be glad if you provide me with your suggestions and
Advices about the subject of my studies and if you could send me above writings I would be
most appreciative.
  I have considered bellow framework for my study on the religious economic thought.   
  1)    The history of religious economic thought  
  2)    Worldview and ethical principals of religious economics   
  3)    Methodology of inference of economic views (sources, interpretation of Holly
  4)    Religious economic doctrines on the Work, Ownership, Market, State and Economic
  5)    The question of economic systems (nature of religious economics)  
  6)    The ethical and methodological critique of contemporary economic systems
(capitalism and socialism)
  7)    The desirable economic system for religion  
  My ultimate purpose is to find perfect understanding on the religious and ethical
economic thought. Please assist me in this research.
  Sincerely yours   
  Mohammad Javad NourAhmadi    
Number 87/second Islamic street/15th Tawhid street/Qom /postal code: 37177-55796/Iran  
Tel: (0098-0251) 8836038  
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