The email list dedicated to Friedrich Hayek scholarship  
was deactived by St. Johns University earlier this year,  
as part of their elimination of all Listserv sponsorship.  
Some folks have wondered what became of the archive for that  
email group.  What remains of the archive can be found at:  
The archive contains messages posted between April 29, 1998 and   
Nov. 21, 2001.    
When St. Johns shut down their Listserv service, they eliminated  
their listserv archives and re-purposed their servers.  So the  
Hayek-L archive no longer exists at St. Johns.    
I'm working on the reconstruction of my "Hayek Scholars Page", and  
as part of that project I plan to re-launch a Friedrich Hayek Scholars  
List in the new year.  I'll make an announcement here for those who  
would like to participate in the new Hayek group.  
Greg Ransom