>What is at issue here is the tendency of some to bash  
>scholars about whom they know very little. I have  
>heard some scholars bash Mises and Hayek in ways that  
>make absolutely no sense. For example, at the HES last  
>summer someone mirespresented Hayek by claiming that  
>the Road to Serfdom argued that any small step towards  
>intervention would lead to a Hitlerean society. I  
>confronted this person afterwards, and he admitted  
>that he really did not know much about the RTS.  
Hayek does buy the dreadful Misesian cumulative 'logic of intervention' argument though
"It is not necessary to review the familiar economic arguments which show why mere
'interventionism' is self-defeating and self-contradictory, and how, if the central
purpose of intervention is to be achieved, intervention must expand until it becomes a
comprehensive system of planning" (Hayek [1939] 1997, pp.199-200).
Andrew Farrant