The person Doug argued with may have had a point (if they did a stack more work)  
The cartoon version of RTS (especially page 10) is a pretty accurate (albeit rough n'
ready) rendition of Hayek's logic in RTS:  
A rather more nuanced argument can be found in: "When 'socialism' fails, then what?"
(Levy, Peart, Farrant). European Journal of Political Economy. 24 (1) 2005: 1064-1068.
"The Spatial Politics of F. A. Hayek's Road to Serfdom" (ditto). European Journal of
Political Economy. 24 (1) 2005: 982-999.
& the other papers on Hayek (including very interesting commentary on RTS by David
Colander & Bruce Caldwell among others) in EJPE (all online if you have EJPE access)
Was the argument that so upset Doug made in a talk or in comments?  
Andrew Farrant