------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW --------------  
Published by EH.NET (December 2006)  
Donald A. Walker, _Walrasian Economics_. New York: Cambridge   
University Press, 2006. x + 357 pp. $80 (cloth), ISBN: 0-521-85855-0.  
Reviewed for EH.NET by Roger E. Backhouse, Department of Economics,   
University of Birmingham.  
This aim of this volume is to complement Walker's earlier book,   
_Walras's Market Models_ (1996), by placing that work in a broader   
context. That book offered a detailed analysis of the general   
equilibrium models found in the four editions of Walras's _Elements   
of Pure Economics_. One of the main arguments of that book concerned   
the phases in Walras's thinking, among which the most significant was   
the deterioration that Walker identified in the quality of Walras's   
theorizing after the second "greatest" edition of the book. The heart   
of this book is a one-chapter summary of what Walker chooses to call   
the "mature comprehensive model." This offers concise summaries of   
the model's main components, of which the most important is the   
analysis of market equilibrium and stability. Here we find a contrast   
between the model that Walras was analysing and his equation system.   
The former offered an account of processes outside equilibrium in   
which the outcome was path-dependent. This contradicted the   
equations. It was in response to the contradictions between his model   
and his equations that Walras introduced the "written pledges   
sketch." This was a model where the tatonnement was virtual. It was   
the product of the last phase of his work.  
To explain Walras's motivation in his mature comprehensive model,   
Walker offers four substantial chapters on what may broadly be termed   
his methodology. The underlying theme is that Walras was thoroughly   
integrated into nineteenth-century thinking on scientific method, and   
that he sought to apply those methods in his economic work. Here, the   
main target is those who claim that Walras was an "arch-rationalist."   
He was, Walker claims, a realist and an empiricist as well as a   
rationalist and an idealist. His philosophy was based on a synthesis   
of idealism and realism, being based not on ideal types but on real   
types established by observation and experiment. Conclusions were   
developed and compared with the results of observations. This was not   
the hypothetico-deductive method, because it was based on an initial   
process of induction. Thus the assumption of free competition was   
made because he believed it was the best account of reality and as a   
result his equations were derived "scrupulously" from reality. Thus   
Walras's work on applied economics is important to understanding his   
pure economics.  
The book's other main theme is what happened to Walras's economics   
after Walras. This is done in two chapters. The first, on his   
contemporaries and immediate successors, discusses Vilfredo Pareto,   
Knut Wicksell, Joseph Schumpeter, Henry Moore and Henry Schultz. The   
treatment ranges from a detailed, and very informative, account of   
Pareto, to a single-paragraph summary of Schultz. Schultz is perhaps   
a surprising inclusion here, but Walker makes the point that he   
showed great interest in the mature comprehensive model, and he had   
nothing to do with the virtual equilibrium model. The other chapter   
is on the story, better known to contemporary economic theorists, of   
how the written pledges sketch was taken up, first by Gustav Cassel,   
and then by Karl Schlesinger, John von Neumann and John Hicks (in the   
latter case through reading Pareto rather than Cassel). Though   
influenced by Walras, this tradition focused on the search for   
logical consistency and failed to take account of the mature   
comprehensive model.  
This book is to be welcomed. Not only does it present, much more   
clearly, the significance of Walker's meticulous examination of   
Walrasian theory but it also points to some of the major areas of   
disagreement. Opposing points of view are not analysed in detail, but   
in pointing out where he believes others have gone wrong Walker   
provides readers with the necessary references. The discussion of   
Walras's influence is arguably much too brief. However, it makes   
sense if we see it not as trying to tell a story that has been   
discussed extensively elsewhere, but as trying to make a single,   
fundamental point: that the influence of the mature comprehensive   
model and that of the written pledges sketch need to be considered   
separately. The legacy of the former lies not in the Arrow-Debreu   
model but in non-tatonnement and computable general equilibrium   
A key part of Walker's argument is the conflict between Walras's   
model and his equations, which did not fully capture that model, for   
this was the source of the misinterpretation by subsequent   
generations of economists for whom Walrasian economics was economics   
with an auctioneer. The same could be said of the two other   
economists who dominated twentieth century economics: Alfred Marshall   
and Maynard Keynes. The Walras that Walker portrays would make an   
interesting comparison with Marshall (for example their views on   
human nature), which makes it disappointing that attention was not   
paid to critics of Walras such as Milton Friedman (surely important   
in understanding why his work was perceived as it was).  
The remaining section of the book contains a valuable comprehensive   
bibliography of Walras's writings and a chapter of bibliographical   
remarks. However, perhaps the most significant aspect of the   
literature on Walras is the absence of a biography comparable to   
those we have on Keynes. It would have been impossible to reach the   
understanding of Keynes that we have today without good biographies,   
and perhaps the same is true of Walras. Walker discusses William   
Jaffe's failure to write his once-planned biography. However, that   
does not answer the question of why no one else has taken up the   
challenge. Perhaps that is the next stage in coming to understand   
Roger E. Backhouse is Professor of the History and Philosophy of   
Economics at the University of Birmingham and is currently Lachmann   
Fellow in the Department of Philosophy at the London School of   
Economics. He is the author of _The Ordinary Business of Life_   
(Princeton University Press, 2002), alias _The Penguin History of   
Economics_ (Penguin Books, 2002).  
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Published by EH.Net (December 2006). All EH.Net reviews are archived   
at http://www.eh.net/BookReview.  
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