Dear HBJ (& list),  
I have been lurking happily, and learning a lot from the exchange.  I   
did e-mail one of the main participants off-line, but I personally   
find a good deal of value in what is going on here -- and it strikes   
me as in many ways a great list discussion.  There are sharp   
differences of opinions (& sometimes people may go over the line, but   
in general, once the discussion got started, it kept going at a   
pretty civil level), and I think that I am learning a lot about PCE,   
as well as having to think a lot about a series of methodological and   
epistemological issues, not only MI.  
(Of course, I am in the history of political theory, and so I may   
find myself more drawn to this kind of discussion than many others   
Happy new year,  
Peter G. Stillman