John Medaille, in his dialogue with Pat Gunning, speaks the language of  
Institutionalism, so wittily portrayed by Veblen and Galbraith, so  
legalistically by Commons. Medaille's fellow-Texans Ayres and Montgomery  
converted many students down thet-a-way, too. LBJ's Labor Secy., Ray  
Marshall, was a good Institutionalist. The disciplines of Industrial  
Organization and Labor Economics and Land Economics have many practitioners.  
Economic History used to broaden us out, too, until the quants and techies  
pruned it from many departments, and the cliometricians hijacked and  
partially sterilized it.  
All that is just to say that John is not alone in his views, and he might  
fortify his case by citing some of those mentioned above - even though I  
benefit from reading him restate the case in his own clever ways.  
Mason Gaffney