Several readers corrected me for writing that Turgot was called "The French  
Confucius". I should have said Quesnay, and European.  
In reply I cited a source, Sir Kenneth Jupp's translation of Turgot, p.  
xiii, recorded in my notes on a book I had lost. I was so proud that I had a  
record of the source! I allowed that maybe Jupp had erred, and even (Heaven  
forfend!) that my notes erred. I hinted cutely that others might have erred,  
and they were being captious.  
Now I have found a copy of Jupp. As Cassius might have put it, "The fault,  
dear tutors, is not in my source, but in myself that I am blundering". Jupp  
is blameless, and so are my tutors.  
For penance I am issuing this public retraction. Forgive me, brothers, for I  
have gaffed, and thank you for improving my mind.  
Mason Gaffney