The below is sent on behalf of a colleague. Please respond as per the instructions below.
Frank van Kalmthout
Librarian, Archives of Ontario
Toronto, Ontario Canada
416-327-1553 | 800-668-9933
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-----Original Message-----
Sent: December 13, 2006 10:31 AM
Subject: FIS (University of Toronto) Job Shadowing 2007

Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto

Job Shadowing Program


Sponsored By:

FIS Alumni Association


The annual Job Shadowing Program takes FIS students at the University of Toronto into libraries, archives and information systems related workplaces for a half-day or a day to observe the life of an Information Professional at work.  Last year we had over 100 host institutions offering more than 125 shadowing opportunities!


Once again we invite you to participate for a full day or a half-day to show one or more students the ropes. You can provide students with valuable insight into professional practice by:

·     having them observe your workplace;

·     explaining how your day is organized;

·     outlining your responsibilities; and

·     generally giving them a feel for life on the job.


In return you will keep abreast of emerging trends in the field and you will meet new and upcoming professionals and future colleagues.


To participate you can either:

a)   Complete the form below and email it to Helen Katz at [log in to unmask]

b)   Complete the form below and mail it to [log in to unmask] or

c)   Fill out an electronic form on the FIS Alumni Association’s Job Shadowing page on the FIS website at < >  


Please note that the last day to submit a form for participation in the program is Friday, December 22nd. This will give students a chance to pick site locations before their Reading Week in February.


The students will make their selection by the end of January and are responsible for contacting their hosts.  Together, the student and host will arrange the visit at a mutually convenient time. Hosts from other cities, for example, may find that their student may not be free to visit until the summer.


Hosts from the Greater Toronto Area are especially encouraged to submit a posting.


If you have any questions about this program, please contact Helen Katz at [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>.


Sponsored By:

FIS Alumni Association


NOTE:  You may also want to consider signing up for the Ask an Alum program at FIS.  For details see < >




Name: _____________________________________________


Phone Number: ______________________________________


Fax Number: ________________________________________


Email Address: _______________________________________


Organization: ________________________________________


Address: ____________________________________________


Type of Library / Information Centre / Organization: ____________________________________________________


Number of Students Able to Take: ____________________________________________________


Length of Visit: Half Day ____________   Full-day ___________


Information Studies Stream Most Suited:

Library and Information Science: ____________________

Archives: _______________________________________

Information Systems: _____________________________


May we use your institution's name publicly for acknowledgement of participation in this program: 

Yes _______  No _______



Contact Information:

Helen Katz


Finance Library

Ontario Ministry of Finance

95 Grosvenor Street - 1st floor

Toronto, ON

M5A 1A2

(416) 325-1253  phone

(416) 325-1212  fax