As the discussion developped on language, the argument included in
Galiani's quotation by Theocarakis went astray unsurprising. Actually,
looking on the net for an English translation of this bit, I cannot
find any but I was permanently driven back to the same presentation
excerpted from the he Encyclopedia Britannica Eleventh Edition,  (for
example, The
unfortunate Galiani is severely condemned for his book on the corn trade
"He fell, however, into some of the most serious errors of the

I cannot find any translation of the "Dialogue" on the Library of
Congress catalogue (but I possibly overlooked that) .. It is a pity as
the book is funnier than the innumerable defence of free trade by
contemporary and subsequent writers.

For the (happy ;-) ) few who can read French, only some excerpts are to
be found on but
the quotation by Theocarakis is not there
but the whole text is downloadable at

Alain Alcouffe