_Andrew Carnegie_. By David Nasaw. Hardcover. xiv + 878 pages. Penguin
Press, 2006. ISBN: 1594201048. $35. Nasaw's biography of Carnegie includes
a discussion of the friendship between Mark Twain and Andrew Carnegie and
reprints portions of a number of letters that were exchanged between the
two men. BIOGRAPHY.

Amazon webpage for this book is:


_The Ghost at the Table_. By Suzanne Berne. Hardcover. 292 pages. Algonquin
Books of Chapel Hill, 2006. ISBN: 1565123344. $23.95. Berne's story about a
dysfunctional family over a Thanksgiving weekend features a main character
who is a writer working on a book about Mark Twain's daughters. Berne's
novel may best be described as a psychological drama with occasional
references to the Clemens family. FICTION.

Amazon web page for this book is:

Barbara Schmidt
Book Review Editor