Robert Leeson wrote:
> ----------------- HES POSTING -----------------
> I am grateful to the AD True Believers for providing insights into how curves and equations capture, not reality, but the imagination of some economists: 
> I think, therefore I am, 
> I derive it, therefore it is.  

Given the previous discussion, I assume that Robert Leeson means to 
include me among "AD True Believers."  Let me point out that such a 
conclusion would outrun the evidence.  The point of my intervention was 
to try to provide some clarity, which I found completely lacking in the 
discussion, about where the AD comes from and how it relates to other 
relationships in standard textbook models.  But far from being a true 
believer,  neither the AD curve nor the LM curve are elements of the 
core of my textbook in progress.

Kevin Hoover