The INFER research network will hold a workshop on

"The economic history of the provision and financing of higher education and
its reflection in the history of economic thought."

July 27-29, 2007 at Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany .

Workshop Objectives:
This INFER workshop provides an opportunity for all those interested in
Economic Theory, Economic History and the History of Economic Thought to
exchange ideas.
Researchers, especially young researchers, are invited to submit theoretical
and applied papers broadly consistent with the following topic:
The economic history of the provision and financing of higher education and
its reflection in the history of economic thought.
Researchers are also encouraged to organize their own sessions.
Keynote speakers will be invited to speak on this year's topic.

The workshop is open to anybody involved in Economic Theory, Economic
History and the History of Economic Thought, including both young and
experienced researchers, post-doctoral students, and professionals from
business, government and non-governmental institutions.

Submission of Papers:
Only full papers may be submitted. All papers must include a cover page with
the following information:
. An abstract of up to 500 words, with JEL classification and no more than 5
key words;
. Authors' full name, affiliation;
. Contact details for corresponding author, such as address, phone, and

All papers and organized sessions should be submitted electronically to the
workshop organizer,

Prof. Dr. Ingo Barens at [log in to unmask]

as doc or pdf files (preferably pdf) on or before May 2, 2007.

Papers must be in English, and should not exceed 25 pages (A4 or letter)
including all references, tables and the like. The text should be formatted
in Times New Roman 14pt with 1.2 line space and 2.5 cm (1 inch) margin on
each side. Footnotes should be formatted in 12pt with 1.2 line space. Please
avoid colors in graphs and pages in landscape.
All papers will be peer reviewed. Authors of accepted papers will be
notified no later than June 4, 2007.
Paper presenters are expected to discuss one other paper during the
workshop. The discussant assignments will be made by the workshop organizers
at a later date.

Publication of papers:
A selection of papers presented at the workshop will be published in one or
more INFER volumes in due course after the workshop. For details of possible
publication outlets see

Registration Fee:
The registration fee for speakers and other participants will be:
. INFER private members: 40 EUR,
. institutional INFER members: 40 EUR,
. non-members: 100 EUR.
Please note: the annual membership fee for private INFER members is 25 EUR
only (institutional INFER
members 200 EUR). You are invited to become a member!

The workshop will be held at the Faculty of Economics of Darmstadt
University of Technology. Darmstadt is a lively university city close to
Frankfurt am Main, easily accessible by plane, train or motorway. More
information about the University and the city of Darmstadt can be found

Further Information:
Updated information concerning registration details, downloadable
registration forms, travel and accommodation facilities, etc. will be
provided in due course on this page.
Questions may be directed to the workshop organizer:

Prof. Dr. Ingo Barens (Darmstadt University of Technology),

at [log in to unmask] .

Ingo Barens