> Dear all:
> The programme for the Workshop of the Stirling Centre for Economic
> Methodology (SCEME)  on 'Economics as a Moral Science' in Stirling on 19th
> May is now available at the following address:
> http://www.sceme.stir.ac.uk/events.htm, along with registration details
> and background information. We are very pleased to be able to announce
> that Irene van Staveren, Radboud University Nijmegen
> <http://www.ru.nl/imr/koppeling/economie/staveren/>  and ISS
> <http://www.iss.nl/iss/profile/261> , will attend to lead the discussion,
> so we hope to see you there.
> Sheila Dow
> SCEME Director.
> David Vazquez-Guzman
> SCEME assistant.