Dear Colleagues,

Several of you have written to ask whether we are still accepting proposals for the HES.  Proposals are still welcome.  I will be designing the program soon, however, so please submit proposals for sessions or papers within the next week.  Thanks in advance.  

For your planning purposes, the following events have been arranged at the conference.  On Friday, the Distinguished Visitor Lecture, "Let Us Understand Adam Smith", will be given by James Buchanan.  The lecture will be followed by a (free) reception and a (ticketed) cook out.  On Saturday, there will be a plenary session at which David Warsh will speak, on "The Ascent/Descent from Adam Smith".  On Sunday, HES President, Brad Bateman will give his address followed by a (free) reception and the HES (ticketed) banquet.  The conference continues through Monday morning as usual.

You can find out more about the conference at  

I think you will find much to interest you on the program, once it's designed!    

Best wishes,

Sandra Peart