Dear Colleagues...

I am writing with the sorry news to say that the Stratford-Perth County 
Archives last week lost two of Ontario's best-known archivists.  Why 
Lutzen Riedstra's and Carolynn Bart-Riedstra's positions have been 
declared redundant is not at all clear but now would be a good time to 
write a few letters.  Apparently there was an article in the Stratford 
Beacon Herald last week to which I don't seem to be able to connect so 
have not seen, but there is a letter to the editor right now at:

To support the Riedstras, the Stratford-Perth Archives and our 
profession, advocates can write to Ron McKay, the Warden of the County 
of Perth and Ria Colquhoun, CAO for Perth County.

Suzanne Dubeau