Almost immediately after my review of _Finn_ went out on the listserver, I discovered a nasty omission in the penultimate paragraph of its main text. The omission falls in the section headed "spoiler alert," so I'll provide only part of the relevant passage here. Please insert the word "not" before "know" in the sentence below: "In order not to give away too much of the plot, let it merely be said that that fact has a great deal to do with explaining why Huck would < > know ..." There may be other missing words in the review, but that "not" makes a big difference. Also, my postscript to the review contains an invitation to Forum members to join a discussion of _Finn_ at the Constant Reader website. That invitation neglects to mention the very important fact that the novel's author, Jon Clinch, is participating in the discussion. If you join in, you can share your thoughts and questions about the book with him. I should also have mentioned that the last disc of Recorded Books' CD edition of _Finn_ contains a fascinating discussion between Clinch and Ed Sala, who narrates the recording. Clinch says a great deal there about how he came to write the novel. Incidentally, Sala does a good job reading the book. If I think of anything else I forgot to mention, I'll post another note later. Unless, that is, I forget to look the next time I try to cross a street.