The French philosophical database for nineteenth-century authors, Philo 
19, lists a certain Camille Saint-Aubin, active in the French 
Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras, who was the author of a work in 1817 
with the title L???Industrie litt???raire et scientifique ligu???e avec 
l???industrie commerciale et manufacturi???re, ou Opinions sur les finances, 
la politique, la morale et la philosophie. Tome premier. 1re partie. 
Finances. He was apparently interested in banking among other issues.

Bazard's work, if it appeared as late as 1826, could not be the 
inspiration for Benjamin Constant's Libert??? des anciens compar???e ??? celle 
des modernes, which was a lecture given in 1819.

Martin S. Staum