There are several summer "schools" for the History of Economics of which 
I am aware. The George Mason group sponsors one of them, the Gide 
Society in France (if I recall correctly) sponsors another, and STOREP 
(the Italian HET society) still a third. Suppose one were to wish to 
construct a 1-2 week summer program for graduate (Ph.D) students in 
Economics, from several countries but especially from the US and EU. 
What should in your view should the school attempt to accomplish? It 
might be useful to assume that there would be no presumption that the 
students are "writing or planning to write dissertations" in HET. What 
might the courses/seminars/workshops consist of? As several people in 
more than one country are interested in these and related questions, 
perhaps this HES-List might be a useful forum for a discussion of this 

E. Roy Weintraub