------------ EH.NET BOOK REVIEW --------------
Published by EH.NET (July 2007)

Robert Higgs, _ Depression, War, and Cold War: Studies in Political 
Economy_. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. xv + 221 pp. $35 
(cloth), ISBN: 0-19-518292-9.

Reviewed for EH.NET by Hugh Rockoff, Department of Economics, Rutgers 

It was a great idea for Robert Higgs and Oxford University Press to 
publish this collection of Higgs' papers. The volume brings together 
ten papers that Higgs has published over the past two decades, which 
reinterpret some of the key events of the twentieth century. Several 
of these papers appeared originally in the _Journal of Economic 
History_ and _Explorations in Economic History_ and will be familiar 
to economic historians. Others, however, appeared in policy journals, 
and economic historians may have missed them. The papers reinforce 
each other, offering a coherent and stimulating view of three crucial 
events in the twentieth century: the Great Depression, World War II, 
and the Cold War.

The papers are arranged in chronological order. Chapter 1, "Regime 
Uncertainty: Why the Great Depression Lasted So Long and Why 
Prosperity Resumed after the War," argues that part of the 
explanation for the persistence of the Great Depression was the 
"regime uncertainty" created by the New Deal. Investment was 
depressed not by the decline in income (the old 
multiplier-accelerator model), high real interest rates, or other 
conventional economic determinants of investment, but rather because 
of "a pervasive uncertainty among investors about the security of 
their property rights in their capital and its prospective returns" 
(p. 5). Potential investors were afraid to commit their funds because 
they did not know what Roosevelt and the New Dealers would do next. 
Low levels of investment in turn depressed the economy as a whole. 
This is not a new argument. Joseph Schumpeter (1962, 64-5), as Higgs 
notes, and other prominent economists had made the same point. Higgs, 
however, argues the point in detail, and brings in forms of evidence, 
such as opinion polls, that economic historians often ignore. He 
makes a strong case.

I find that papers by Higgs always lead to more questions. This is 
not a criticism, but rather an indication they address important 
issues. Terms like "regime uncertainty" and "security of private 
property" cover a lot of ground. Were investors afraid mainly of 
higher corporate taxes? Increased union power? Minimum wage laws? 
Social Security? Abandonment of the gold standard? Outright 
nationalization? Higgs quotes Elliot Brownlee (1996) to the effect 
that it was tax policy that most concerned business. Higgs, however, 
seems to be neutral on what if any policies contributed the most to 
the low level of investment. Indeed, his argument seems to be that it 
was all of these things together that contributed to the new regime, 
and that trying to parse out the effect of particular New Deal 
policies would be counterproductive. Before giving up on the 
Depression era as a source of information about how policies affect 
the economy, however, it makes sense to me to probe further. We want 
to know which, if any, policies are likely to have substantial 
unintended consequences for investment. Must we simply put the 
Depression era aside?

One of the pieces of evidence that Higgs uses to make this point is a 
graph of relative yields. He shows that the yields on long-term bonds 
spiked relative to yields on short-term bonds (for a given rating) 
when Roosevelt's anti-business rhetoric was reaching a peak. This 
graph does add support to his argument, but I am skeptical that it is 
as decisive as Higgs suggests. The following simple table shows the 
yields on BAA corporates, AAA corporates, and long-term government 
bonds. The data are from www.globalfinancialdata.com. The yields on 
the private sector bonds fell during the New Deal. And the spreads 
between private and public yields, which could be interpreted as the 
premiums for holding privately issued securities, also fell. 
Apparently, economic contractions were the really scary things for 
investors in the bond market. To be sure, there are many possible 
interpretations of this data. The anti-business rhetoric and actions 
of the Roosevelt administration may have depressed the stock market 
and accelerated the flight to safety that landed investors in the 
private bond market. Large-scale government intervention could even 
have been construed as a good thing for debt issued by large firms if 
investors thought that these firms had now become too big to fail. My 
point is simply that threats to property rights are difficult to 
tease out of the financial data. I doubt that the debate that Higgs 
has started on this issue is over.

Year Moody's Moody's U.S. BAA AAA
Corp. Corp. Bonds minus minus
BAA AAA govt. govt.
   (1)     (2)    (3)    (4)    (5)    (6)
1929 5.90 4.73 3.60 2.30 1.13
1930 5.93 4.54 3.29 2.64 1.25
1931 7.77 4.62 3.34 4.43 1.28
1932 9.25 4.99 3.68 5.57 1.31
1933 7.72 4.48 3.31 4.41 1.17
1934 6.28 3.99 3.11 3.17 0.88
1935 5.72 3.60 2.79 2.93 0.81
1936 4.75 3.23 2.65 2.10 0.58
1937 5.10 3.26 2.69 2.41 0.57
1938 5.79 3.19 2.55 3.24 0.64
1939 4.97 3.00 2.35 2.62 0.65

In chapter 3, "Wartime Prosperity? A Reassessment of the U.S. Economy 
in the 1940s," Higgs challenges the notion that in World War II a 
combination of high government spending and extensive government 
intervention in the form of price controls, rationing, and so on 
rescued the country from the Depression and allowed Americans to 
enjoy guns and butter at the same time. Higgs has a good point. 
Conventional economic time series point to the war economy as a kind 
of economic heaven on earth. In 1944 the standard measure of 
unemployment was 1.2 percent of the labor force, inflation was a 
reasonable 2.21 percent (the GDP deflator), and real GDP per capita 
was at an all time high, a level that would not be reached again 
until 1953 (Millennial Edition of Historical Statistics). Clearly, 
the numbers suggest that the policy of massive government spending 
and government controls, including price controls, had worked 
wonders. Higgs rightly and convincingly attacks this view. The 
statistical case for economic heaven on earth is created by comparing 
apples with oranges. Unemployment rates were low, Higgs insists, in 
part because young men were drafted into the armed forces, price 
indexes are misleading because of hidden price increases and other 
distortions produced by controls, and real GDP per capita is 
misleading because, among other things, it treats an intermediate 
good, munitions, as final product. Every undergraduate and graduate 
student of economics (and not a few of their professors) would 
benefit from reading Higgs' essay (and the related essays in Chapters 
4 and 5). They would learn that economists need to think about the 
meaning of economic statistics. They might even learn that knowing 
some economic history can help them understand the time series they 

Higgs' argument still leaves open the question of why so many 
contemporaries, and so many historians, including historians who 
lived through the period, consider it a prosperous period. One issue 
that deserves more attention, I believe, is the role of savings. 
Americans built up large holdings of liquid assets during the war. 
These were a source of utility for their holders, even if 
expectations of postwar deflation led people to overestimate their 
ultimate value. Workers may have viewed jobs in defense plants, 
moreover, as a way of acquiring skills that would be valuable after 
the war, as an investment in human capital. (But see Casey Mulligan 
(1998) for the argument that conventional economic forces cannot 
explain high wartime work effort.) Even enduring the hardships of 
moving to a war production center -- and Higgs rightly emphasizes the 
costs of moving to and living in war production centers -- may have 
been viewed as an investment that would pay dividends after the war.

Another question raised in this essay concerns Higgs' claim that we 
should exclude military production from GDP on the grounds that it is 
an intermediate good that contributes nothing directly to utility. 
This is true for some people; I suspect it true for Higgs. It is at 
least possible, however, for people to draw utility from public 
expenditures: the Space Program comes to mind. One can imagine people 
taking satisfaction in World War II from knowing that they were 
forging the tools of victory over Germany and Japan. Surely learning 
about the Liberation of Paris, and feeling that they had contributed 
if only by working in a war plant, meant something to Americans of 
that generation. Perhaps this is why Simon Kuznets (1945), who 
generally favored excluding defense spending from GDP on the grounds 
that it was an intermediate good, argued that in a period such as 
World War II when winning the war was one of the primary "end 
purposes" of economic life, munitions production should be included 
in GDP.

The theme of measurement error, and the consequences of 
misinterpreting economic data, is continued in Chapter 4, "Wartime 
Socialization of Investment: A Reassessment of U.S. Capital Formation 
in the 1940s." Here Higgs takes issue with the estimates of 
government owned privately operated capital made famous by Robert J. 
Gordon (1969). Gordon argued that adding government financed but 
privately operated capital created during the war to standard 
estimates of total capital helped explain what appeared to be an 
otherwise unexplainable increase in total factor productivity. Higgs' 
point is that wartime capital was subject to very high rates of 
depreciation, rates that exceeded accounting allowances. Chapter 5, 
"From Central Planning to the Market: The American Transition, 
1945-47," once again takes up the issue of what GDP measures. 
Official figures show real GDP per capita falling precipitously from 
1945 to 1946. But Americans didn't see 1946 as a return to the Great 
Depression. Economic historians can try to adjust the GDP figures. 
Alternatively, they can simply say that people saw 1946 for what it 
was, a year of rapid transition to postwar economic prosperity.

Altogether, Higgs mounts a powerful challenge to conventional 
economic wisdom regarding the accomplishments of the Roosevelt 
administration during both the New Deal and World War II.

Another major theme is the enormous cost of the Cold War and the 
enormous waste in military spending programs associated with it. 
Economic historians, Higgs claims, have not paid sufficient attention 
to the Cold War. Higgs has made a good start on filling the gap. In 
Chapter 2, "Private Profit, Public Risk: Institutional Antecedents of 
the Modern Military Procurement System in the Rearmament Program of 
1940-41," Higgs shows how the military went from competitive bidding 
to negotiated contracts in which the government assumed most of the 
risk in the summer of 1940, and never looked back. Chapter 6, "The 
Cold War Economy: Opportunity Costs, Ideology, and the Politics of 
Crisis," describes the cost of military spending during the Cold War, 
and shows that military spending came mainly at the expense of 
private sector spending not civilian government spending. Chapter 7, 
"Hard Coals Make Bad Law: Congressional Parochialism versus National 
Defense" tells the story of how the legendary Congressman Daniel 
Flood and other politicians forced the Department of Defense to buy 
anthracite coal. Some of it was shipped to Germany, a clear case of 
coals to Newcastle, and some ended up simply stored in the U.S. in a 
great heap. Chapter 8, "Airplanes the Pentagon Didn't Want, but 
Congress Did," tells a similar story about aircraft production that 
was kept going long after it was clear that there were more effective 
ways of spending defense dollars. Higgs writes well and does a good 
job of pointing out the underlying forces that distort defense 
spending. And it is not as if the lessons have been learned. The same 
forces are at work producing the same distortions in spending.

Chapter 9, "Profits of U.S. Defense Contractors," shows that 
investing in defense contractors was very profitable over the years 
1970-1989. Indeed, combining Higgs' data with the earlier work by 
George Stigler and Claire Friedland (1971) leads to the conclusion 
that investing and holding stocks of defense contractors was a good 
strategy throughout the Cold War. Chapter 10 "Public Opinion: A 
Powerful Predictor of Defense Spending," shows that an index derived 
from public opinion polls does a good job of predicting national 
defense spending. Higgs is justifiably cautious about this finding, 
and is quick to point out that public opinion was only the proximate 
determinant of defense spending. Ultimately, public opinion was 
shaped by the arguments made by politicians, experts, and the press. 
And, of course, public opinion may be misled by experts who claim to 
have special information not known to the general public, a prescient 

This is an important book. Economic historians, no matter their area 
of specialty, and no matter their ideological preconceptions, should 
be familiar with Higgs' arguments. You will not learn any new 
econometric techniques with which to wow your friends from reading 
this book. You will not find any data that you can use to quickly 
turn out a note for a journal. You will find, however, an original 
and thoughtful exploration of what the great events of the twentieth 
century tell us about the appropriate role of the government in the 


Robert J. Gordon, 1969. "$45 Billion of U.S. Private Investment Has 
Been Mislaid" _American Economic Review_, Vol. 59, No. 3 (Jun.): 

Simon Kuznets, 1945. _National Product in Wartime_. New York, 
National Bureau of Economic Research.

Casey B. Mulligan, 1998. "Pecuniary Incentives to Work in the United 
States during World War II," _Journal of Political Economy_, Vol. 
106, No. 5 (Oct.): 1033-77

Joseph Schumpeter, 1962. _Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy_. New 
York: Harper Torch Books.

George Stigler and Claire Friedland, 1971. "Profits of Defense 
Contractors," _American Economic Review_ 61 (4): 692-4.

Hugh Rockoff is a professor of economics at Rutgers University and a 
research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. His 
paper written with Leonard Caruana, "An Elephant in the Garden: The 
Allies, Spain, and Oil in World War II," is forthcoming in the 
_European Review of Economic History_.

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