Sam Bostaph wrote:

>----------------- HES POSTING -----------------
>I think this whole discussion would benefit with a complete absence of  "anthropomorphizing."  In THE DIFFERENCE OF MAN AND THE DIFFERENCE  IT MAKES, Mortimer Adler pointed out quite a few decades ago that the  human capacity for conceptual thought is not shared with other animals  and is the distinctive mark of a human being.  All of the outer  manifestations of animal behavior do not constitute a basis for using  words that designate human acts for other animal acts.

Mortimer Adler, dead since 2001, and deservedly long-forgotten before 
his death, is hardly qualified to appraise recent experimental and 
neuro-imaging work in primatology. And as a serious Aristotelian, he 
would have shunned such "evidence" anyway.

E. Roy Weintraub