A book launch for Andrew Kliman's "Reclaiming Marx's
'Capital':  A Refutation of the Myth of Inconsistency"
(2007, Lexington Books, paperback and hardcover) took
place on July 11, 2007 at the School of Oriental and
African Studies (SOAS) in London.

Speakers included:

Michael Roberts, columnist at marxist.com
Alan Freeman, co-editor, "Marx and Non-equilibrium
Martin Graham, member, Economic Committee of the
     Communist Party of Britain
Chris Harman, editor, "International Socialism"
Andrew Kliman, author, "Reclaiming Marx's 'Capital'"

Audio recordings of all of the talks, as well as
comments and questions from the audience and speakers'
responses, can be downloaded at


Media Coverage of Book Launch:

* "Culture Wars" (reviews website of the Institute of Ideas),

* "21st Century Socialism" website,

Reviews of "Reclaiming Marx's 'Capital'"

The following reviews are available online:

* review by Joseph Choonara, "International Socialism" journal,

* review by Michael Roberts at marxist.com website,
http://www.marxist.com/reclaiming-marx-capital-refutation-myth-inconsistency190707.htm .

* brief review in "Labour Research"

Andrew Kliman